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Argument Map

HOME_DIR module-attribute

Home Directory

Defaults to users home directory at $HOME/.duplo This is where the cli will look by default for the config and cache as well.

The home directory for duplo configurations
Flags --homedir, --home-dir
Environment Variable DUPLO_HOME
Type str
Required False
Default None

CACHE_DIR module-attribute

Cache Directory

Defaults to $HOME/.duplo/cache. This is where the cli will store the cached credentials. Sometimes you may need to delete this directory to clear out old credentials. Simply type duploctl and this will print where the cache is currently stored.

The cache directory for saved credentials.
Flags --cachedir, --cache-dir
Environment Variable DUPLO_CACHE
Type str
Required False
Default None

LOGLEVEL module-attribute

The log level to use.
Flags --log-level, --loglevel, -L
Environment Variable DUPLO_LOG_LEVEL
Type str
Required False
Default None

CONFIG module-attribute

The path to the duploctl configuration file.
Flags --configfile, --config-file
Environment Variable DUPLO_CONFIG
Type str
Required False
Default None

CONTEXT module-attribute

Use the specified context from the config file.
Flags --context, --ctx
Environment Variable DUPLO_CONTEXT
Type str
Required False
Default None

HOST module-attribute

The url to specified duplo portal.
Flags --host, -H
Environment Variable DUPLO_HOST
Type str
Required False
Default None

TOKEN module-attribute

The token to authenticate with duplocloud portal api.
Flags --token, -t
Environment Variable DUPLO_TOKEN
Type str
Required False
Default None

TENANT module-attribute

Tenant Name

Scopes the command into the specified tenant. In the background the TENANT_ID is discovered using this name. So if TENANT_ID is set, this is ignored. Often times this is set as an environment variable so you don't have to choose the tenant each and every command. This can also be set in the config file within a context.

The tenant name
Flags --tenant, -T
Environment Variable DUPLO_TENANT
Type str
Required False
Default None

TENANT_ID module-attribute

Tenant ID

Scopes the command into the specified tenant. This is the internal id of the tenant. If this is set, TENANT name argument is ignored.

The tenant id
Flags --tenantid, --tenant-id, --tid
Environment Variable DUPLO_TENANT_ID
Type str
Required False
Default None

PLAN module-attribute

Plan Name

This is another high level placement style argument. This is used to scope the command to a specific plan aka infrastructure.

The plan name.
Flags --plan, -P
Environment Variable DUPLO_PLAN
Type str
Required False
Default None

BODY module-attribute

File Body

This is the file path to a file with the specified resources body within. Each Resource will have it's own schema for the body. This is a yaml/json file that will be parsed and used as the body of the request. View the docs for each individual resource to see the schema for the body.

A file to read the input from
Flags --file, -f, --cli-input
Type FileType('r')
Action YamlAction
Required False
Default None

DATAMAP module-attribute

A file or literal value to add to the data map
Flags --fromfile, --from-file, --from-literal
Type str
Action DataMapAction
Required False
Default None

DRYRUN module-attribute

Do not submit any changes to the server
Flags --dryrun, --dry-run
Type bool
Action store_true
Required False
Default None

ARN module-attribute

The aws arn
Flags --aws-arn, --arn
Type str
Required False
Default None

INTERACTIVE module-attribute

Use interactive Login mode for temporary tokens. Do not use with --token.
Flags --interactive, -I
Type bool
Action store_true
Required False
Default None

ISADMIN module-attribute

Request admin access when using interactive login.
Flags --admin, --isadmin
Type bool
Action store_true
Required False
Default None

NOCACHE module-attribute

Do not use cache credentials.
Flags --no-cache, --nocache
Type bool
Action store_true
Required False
Default None

BROWSER module-attribute

Web Browser

This is the browser of choice to use for interactive login. This is simply using the python webbrowser module to open the browser. If you don't have a browser installed, you can use w3m or lynx for a text based browser.

The desired web browser to use for interactive login
Flags --web-browser, --browser
Environment Variable DUPLO_BROWSER
Type str
Required False
Default None
Choices chrome, chromium, firefox, safari, epiphany, edge, opera, konqueror, kfm, w3m, lynx

OUTPUT module-attribute

The output format
Flags --output, -o
Environment Variable DUPLO_OUTPUT
Type str
Required False
Default None
Choices yaml, json, string, env, csv

QUERY module-attribute

The jmespath query to run on a result
Flags --query, -q
Type str
Required False
Default None

PATCHES module-attribute

The json patch to apply
Flags --patches, --add, --remove, --copy, --replace, --test, --move
Type str
Action JsonPatchAction
Required False
Default None

EXCLUDE module-attribute

Exclude from the command
Flags --exclude, --exclude
Type str
Action append
Required False
Default None

SERVICE module-attribute

The service to run
Flags service
Type str
Required False
Default None
Choices cloudfront, s3, cronjob, pod, service, tenant, version, asg, infrastructure, ingress, jit, lambda, rds, secret, user, pvc, configmap, ecs, system, plan, hosts, storageclass, job

COMMAND module-attribute

The subcommand to run
Flags command
Type str
Required False
Default None

NAME module-attribute

The resource name
Flags name
Type str
Required False
Default None
Nargs ?

IMAGE module-attribute

The image to use
Flags image
Type str
Required False
Default None

S3BUCKET module-attribute

The s3 bucket to use
Flags bucket
Type str
Required False
Default None

S3KEY module-attribute

The s3 key to use
Flags key
Type str
Required False
Default None

SERVICEIMAGE module-attribute

takes two arguments, a service name and an image:tag
Flags --serviceimage, -S
Type str
Action append
Required False
Default None
Metavar ('service', 'image')
Nargs 2

SETVAR module-attribute

a key and value to set as an environment variable
Flags --setvar, -V
Type str
Action append
Required False
Default None
Metavar ('key', 'value')
Nargs 2

STRATEGY module-attribute

The merge strategy to use for env vars. Valid options are "merge" or "replace". Default is merge.
Flags --strategy, -strat
Type str
Required False
Default None
Choices merge, replace

DELETEVAR module-attribute

a key to delete from the environment variables
Flags --deletevar, -D
Type str
Action append
Required False
Default None

SCHEDULE module-attribute

The schedule to use
Flags --schedule, -s
Type str
Required False
Default None

CRONSCHEDULE module-attribute

The schedule to use
Flags cronschedule
Type str
Required False
Default None

ENABLE module-attribute

Enable or disable the feature
Flags --enable, -y
Type bool
Action BooleanOptionalAction
Required False
Default None

MIN module-attribute

The minimum number of replicas
Flags --min, -m
Type int
Required False
Default None

MAX module-attribute

The maximum number of replicas
Flags --max, -M
Type int
Required False
Default None

REPLICAS module-attribute

Number of replicas for service
Flags --replicas, -r
Type int
Required False
Default None

WAIT module-attribute

Wait for the operation to complete
Flags --wait, -w
Type bool
Action store_true
Required False
Default None

SIZE module-attribute

The instance size to use
Flags size
Type str
Required False
Default None

SAVE_SECRET module-attribute

Save the secret to secrets manager.
Flags --save-secret, --save
Type bool
Action store_true
Required False
Default None

PASSWORD module-attribute

The password to use
Flags password
Type str
Required False
Default None

INTERVAL module-attribute

The monitoring interval to use
Flags interval
Type int
Required False
Default None
Choices 1, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60

IMMEDIATE module-attribute

Apply the change immediately
Flags --immediate, -i
Type bool
Action store_true
Required False
Default None

TARGET module-attribute

The target name to use
Flags --target, --target-name
Type str
Required False
Default None

TIME module-attribute

The time to use
Flags --time, --time
Type str
Required False
Default None

DAYS module-attribute

The days to use
Flags days
Type int
Required False
Default None

CONTENT_DIR module-attribute

The content directory for a website.
Flags --content, --content-dir
Environment Variable DUPLO_CONTENT
Type str
Required False
Default None